(The link above will take you to the URI Graduate School of Oceanography website.) Thank you for supporting the ISC oceanography camps for ten years!
Intertidal exploration
The ship requires heavy-lifting equipment to launch and retrieve its remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) after a dive.
Water quality sampling in the field.
Students connect with scientists, live, onboard the EV Nautilus in the Pacific!
This site had a fantastic “amphitheater of chemosynthetic life.” Here we saw bathymodiolus mussels, methane hydrate or ice, and ice worms. There were also a number of sea urchins, sea stars, and fish in this area. Most impressive about this ledge was large accumulation of hydrates under the ledge as well as the large collection of mussels hanging upside down and a group of mussels that hung down off the ledge. Image courtesy of NOAA Okeanos Explorer Program, Gulf of Mexico 2014 Expedition.
ISC campers investigate the property of pH.
Hydrothermal-vent chimney. In the center of the photo, you can see the vent fluid which appears like dark smoke due to the high levels of minerals and sulfides contained in the fluid. Look closely, and you will also see the chimney is crawling with Chorocaris shrimp and Austinograea wiliamsi crabs.