ISC in the Media

New Frontiers in Ocean Exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor 2018 Field Season

New Frontiers in Ocean Exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor 2018 Field Season is the ninth consecutive supplement on ocean exploration to accompany Oceanography. These booklets provide details about the innovative technologies deployed to investigate the seafloor and water column and explain how telepresence can both convey the excitement of ocean exploration to global audiences and allow scientists as well as the public on shore to participate in expeditions in real time. The supplements also describe the variety of educational programs the Ocean Exploration Trust, the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, and the Schmidt Ocean Institute support in conjunction with schools, museums, visitors centers, and aquariums, as well as internships that bring high school students, undergraduates, graduate students, teachers, and artists on board ships. Through these supplements, we have explored the geology, chemistry, biology, and archaeology of parts of the global ocean and seas. We hope you enjoy this booklet and share it widely.

Ocean expedition brought to Central Falls classroom

The multimillion-dollar expedition,SUBSEA, financed mainly by NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration was also a test for a much more ambitious goal — a potential future mission to explore oceans in distant planets where the sun’s light barely reaches.

URI’s Inner Space Center partners with NASA

A Deep Ocean Dive Is Training NASA For Space

ISC hosts NASA-led expedition as they explore the deep Pacific Ocean to prepare to search for life in deep space.  The SUBSEA (Systematic Underwater Biogeochemical Science and Exploration Analog) research program is a partnership among NASA’s Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, the Ocean Exploration Trust and various academic centers that blend ocean and space research to better understand if the watery worlds found on moons and planets in our solar system offer conditions that could support microbial life.

ISC Staff Alex DeCiccio and Lew Abramson captured the GEBCO-NF Alumni Team Technology Readiness Tests of the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE (featured in the video below) in Horten, Norway in November 2017. The story was featured in  the June 2018 edition of Sea Technology. Read the full article, Novel AUV Launch, Recovery New Approaches Using Combined USV-AUV Method, on page 24.

National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) published an Illustrated Digest of the Sinking of the Cargo Ship El Faro.  The Inner Space Center is mentioned on page 15 for facilitating the transfer of data and video to NTSB headquarters from the R/V Atlantis while searching for and finding the Voyage Data Recorder (VDR), an invaluable piece of the El Faro’s investigation.

NOAA and University of Rhode Island scientists conducting a research cruise off the coast of Massachusetts and Rhode Island are inviting students and the general public to learn about their research on whales and their environment through live interactive broadcasts from the R/V Endeavor at sea.

The GEBCO-NF Alumni Team has completed the Technology Readiness Tests of the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE using a combined Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV) and Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) system.  The goal of the XPRIZE challenge is to advance ocean technologies for rapid, unmanned and high-resolution ocean exploration and discovery. ISC Staff were on-site to document the team’s engineering trials.

Watch the short version here:


Inner Space Center Staff visited Samuel Slater Middle School in Pawtucket to speak to students about ocean exploration and interact with the E/V Nautilus.  During the live broadcast, the students asked the scientists questions and learned about the cutting-edge technology they use to explore the deep ocean. Samuel Slater Middle School was selected for this special opportunity because of its exemplary science program and its 8th grade focus on habitats around the world.

URI’s Oceanography School Helps Locate El Faro’s Black Box:

GSO on National Geographic This Sunday:

Mystery Off the Coast of Rhode Island:

URI exploration of sunken U-boat off Block Island to be streamed live, broadcast on Rhode Island PBS:

Visibility a challenge for scientists studying German U-boat:

Connecticut scientists among those exploring wreck of sunken U-boat:

Scientists attempt to explore wreck of sunken U-boat off RI:

Scientists exploring wreck of sunken U-boat off Rhode Island:

Explore World War II Sunken Wrecks on Live TV:

Navy, URI celebrate technological, underwater ties:

URI Inner Space Center sponsoring marine technology, ocean sciences program for teachers:,113113

Science and Elementary MAT Candidates Attend Lecture and Tour at URI:

A Day in a Telepresence-Enabled Expedition:

Explorer Robert Ballard’s Inner Space Center at URI keeps track of ocean research worldwide:

News Roundup: Ballard on 60 Minutes, others make national headlines:

Ballard opens new ‘Inner Space Center’ at URI:

Ballard’s High-Tech Look on Ocean Worlds:

The Ocean’s New Mission Control Center:

URI breaks ground for $15 million undersea exploration center, marine science library: