The Inner Space Center is pleased to offer a Summer 2022 session of its Ocean Science Exploration Camp, a week-long, Rhode Island, day camp focused on different oceanographic themes. During this summer’s program, activities will focus on biological oceanography. Through a variety of hands-on activities, demonstrations, and field investigations, campers will follow the dynamic, ocean food chain, starting at the bottom with microscopic life and culminating with large, macroscopic predators such as sharks and whales. Using the tools of biological oceanographers, campers will explore the physiology of survival in diverse marine environments, from the shallow ocean to the deep, dark, benthic environments found along the ocean seafloor. Throughout the week, campers also tune into live oceanographic expeditions and are surrounded by video, audio, and other oceanographic data, experiencing the amazing ocean discoveries that unfold at the ISC in real time. Campers also visit university laboratory facilities, engage with scientists that are involved in active missions, and discover ocean careers.
This camp tends to fill up fast! For more details and a registration link, please visit the ISC Camps page.