Tag Archives: deep sea

Creature Spotlight: Dancing, Flailing Sea Cucumbers

Among the most sighted organisms during the field season’s remotely operated vehicle dives are sea cucumbers, also known as holothurians. A class containing over 250 species, sea cucumbers are highly diverse, and may appear spiky and brightly colored, or smooth and translucent.

The Nautilus Live video below , and this video by  the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer team showcase the extraordinary diversity of sea cucumbers encountered in Windward Passage, and the Marianas, respectfully.

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This sea cucumber was seen at Hadal Ridge in the Mariana Trench on June 21, 2016. Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Exploration and Research.
ROV Deep Discoverer encounters a feeding sea cucumber. Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Exploration and Research.http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/okeanos/explorations/ex1605/dailyupdates/media/video/0708-cukes/0708-cukes.html


Featured image: Sea cucumber off the coast of Puerto Rico, 15 October, 2013. Image courtesy of the Ocean Exploration Trust.


What is an ROV?

If the ocean is so unfathomably wide and deep, how can scientists possibly hope to do any more than dip our noses beneath the waves to explore? Luckily, engineers have adapted machines to reach areas of the ocean that would never be possible with a human alone. This is where remotely operated vehicles, or ROVs, become essential tools of discovery.

The ROV Hercules travels alongside a sixgill shark, with the support of its tow sled, Argos*

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